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This module defines some perceptually uniform sequential and several qualitative colormaps. All of them can be loaded into matplotlib by prettypyplot.colors.load_cmaps or simply using the setup function With prettypyplot.colors.load_colors the colors of pastel5 ('pplt:blue', 'pplt:red', 'pplt:green', 'pplt:orange', 'pplt:lightblue'), of two gray shades 'pplt:gray' and 'pplt:lightgray', axes 'pplt:axes', grid 'pplt:grid' and textcolor 'pplt:text' can be accessed easily.

The qualitative colors 'pastel_autumn', 'pastel_spring', 'pastel_rainbow' are neither colorblind friendly nor suited for black-white.

All colormaps starting with tol: were designed by Paul Tol. All of them are colorblind friendly and some are even print friendly. For a detailed discussion check out his lovely blog.


macaw, pastel5, pastel6, and ufcd will be only modified slightly in future relases. All others will probably change dramatically.

viridis and jet are only included here for comparsion. Both, macaw and bownair are modified versions of viridis. While turbo tries to be a better jet (see here).

Perceptually Uniform Sequential Qualitative

For more colormaps see matplolib colormaps.